
怀孕8周产检 ,B超报告显示“未见胎心”是啥意

2020-03-23 10:45作者:广州精诚助孕生殖中心

After pregnancy, what are you most afraid of?Some say threatened abortion, some say the population is discontinued, and some say oxide abnormalities。These three abnormalities most often occur in the first trimester, because the first trimester is the gestation period and is also a high-risk period for fetal development.After the first trimester, the fetal development is basically stable, and pregnant women do not need to worry too much.

So how to ensure stable development and development in the first trimester?The most correct information is to correct the B-ultrasound. Pregnant women can go to the hospital for a birth check-up, clearly identify the development problems, and determine whether the development is normal!

Xiao Jie is 不孕不育医院到 an elderly pregnant woman. She only got pregnant after 3 years of marriage. She was particularly happy when she checked out pregnancy. In order to make them grow better, she bought too many books.Through these books, Xiao Jie knows that the risk of early pregnancy is relatively high. It is the peak period of cessation of oxides and threatened abortion. Therefore, she is particularly cautious in life and is not afraid to neglect.Wait until the 8th week of pregnancy to rush to the hospital for a birth check. The B-ultrasound report reads "Visible yolk sac and implanted germ tissue, but no fetal heart beat".It stands to reason that fetal buds and fetal heart can be clearly detected at 8 weeks of pregnancy, why is there no fetal heart tube pulsation?Could it be that the fetus is stopped?With doubt, Xiaojie consulted a professional doctor.不孕不育专家咨询,7

The doctor said that, in normal terms, the 8 weeks of pregnancy, fetal buds and fetal heart rate have indeed been seen, but it depends on the actual gestational week of the pregnant woman.The gestational week in medicine is calculated according to the first day of the last menstrual period. If the pregnant woman's menstrual cycle is relatively long, her menstrual changes, or the last menstrual memory is wrong, the calculated gestational week will be wrong. The actual gestational week may be smaller than the calculated gestational week.In other words, although Xiao Jie said that she is 8 weeks pregnant, in fact only 5-6 weeks are possible, so you can wait for a few days and check again.

There are too many similar situations in life. Many netizens said that they also encountered this kind of problem during pregnancy. To check for fetal buds but 武汉代怀 no fetal heart rate at 8 weeks of pregnancy, but to stop fetal heart rate, but check the fetal heart rate at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy.Again, the expected development is very good.

First, how can I confirm whether to stop fertility in the first trimester?

So how can a pregnant woman know if she has stopped fertility in the first trimester?Generally can be judged from these several methods:

1。Feeling through the pregnant woman

The peak period of fetal abortion is 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. At that time, the HCG value reached the peak. The early pregnancy response of the pregnant woman was very strong. If the pregnant woman's early pregnancy response suddenly becomes lighter and even disappears, there is no longer nauseaVomiting, loss of appetite, tiredness, lethargy, headache and soreness are likely to be caused by abortion of the fetus, and you need to seek medical examination in time.

Some pregnant women may experience abdominal pain and redness, or it may be due to abortion of the fetus, and then caused by spontaneous abortion. It is also necessary to seek medical treatment in time!



在怀孕6周时,仍然无法检测到胎儿囊,或者胎儿囊已经枯萎。胎囊的平均直径超过25毫米,但仍看不到胎芽。胎芽停止发育,胎心跳从未出现。 或胎儿心脏出现然后消失。



另一个标准是血液中HCG的生长。 如果血液HCG的增长不能令人满意,甚至下降,您可以决定逐渐克服它,或者死亡,即终止胎儿。

请注意,可能有或没有任何胎儿终止的迹象。 一些孕妇在怀孕12周时就怀孕了,胎儿是健康的,但是在怀孕2到3周后,发现胎儿没有心脏。 因此,建议孕妇除进行产妇检查外,还应保持健康饮食,以远离影响胎儿健康的所有行为。


怀孕8周对于孕妇和胎儿来说是非常重要的阶段。尽管在妊娠的前三个月不是强制性检查,但是为了确保胎儿和孕妇的安全,通常建议孕妇在怀孕约8周时去医院进行B超检查,这可以确认 胎儿的健康发育,可以排除某些危险情况。停产并有可能流产。此时,检查报告中标记了很多信息。 如果同时出现以下“四件事”,则表示孕妇“就座”,胎儿健康!

1. 怀孕8周,简要介绍了预期的发展

怀孕8周时,胎儿大约1。它重约2克,重约6克。 此时,重量已经开始呈现为人的形式。 胎儿头、,体和四肢可以分开,但胎儿头比躯干要长得多,这看起来很奇怪。B超检查可以清楚地看到妊娠囊,卵黄囊,胎儿芽,胎儿心脏和氧化物的形状和运动。

在怀孕8周时出现高血压,他们的眼睑开始折叠,鼻子开始抬起,耳朵逐渐形成,在嘴巴轮廓形成后牙齿和下巴开始发育。先前长出的手指和脚趾也显得稀薄,肘部有一小区域开始弯曲。尽管他们的心脏和大脑发育非常复杂,但骨骼尚未形成,他们需要继续依靠肝脏来产生红血球。 这种状态将持续到纳米成熟。在一周结束时,胎盘和脐带将逐渐形成并穿过像纸一样薄的皮肤,从而可以清晰地修剪皮肤的血管。


最早的形成顺序是胎囊,然后是卵黄囊,然后是胎芽发育,最后胎心出现在胎芽之后。这“四件事”是预防健康的重要基础。 当孕妇在怀孕8周时去医院进行B超检查时,大多数人可以清楚地看到“四件事”。


胎囊是胎盘的原始组织,是由羊膜和血管网包裹的微小变形。但是,妊娠囊仅存在于孕早期。 当月经重组是七八天大时,孕囊已经出现。 您可以通过B超检查清楚地怀孕8周产检 ,B超报告显示“未见胎心”是啥意看到它,以判断您是否怀孕。在怀孕8周时,孕囊已经很大,几乎占子宫腔的一半,但是到怀孕11周时,孕囊将完全消失。


卵黄囊是子宫内妊娠的重要标志,它的出现可以排除异位妊娠期间子宫内的假妊娠囊。卵黄囊位于妊娠囊中,通常靠近胎芽。 相反,它具有营养作用。 它会转变为妊娠,然后消失。通常,在怀孕5-6周时通过B超检查可以看到卵黄囊,并且在交替妊娠期间卵黄囊会增大。 它将在妊娠10周后逐渐缩小,并会等到怀孕12-13周。完全消失。在整个怀孕期间,卵黄囊的直径通常为3-8mm,平均约为5mm。 如果卵黄囊直径超过7mm,可能会发育不良。


通常,在怀孕6-7周时可以通过B超检查看到胎儿的芽,但是每个孕妇的实际孕周都不同,并且胎儿芽出现的实际时间也不同。 可以更改为怀孕8-9周。出现在怀孕5-6周的初期。如果在怀孕8周时,您在B超检查报告中看到了胎儿的芽,并且其生长良好,那么健康的机会将非常高。 相反,如果您看不到胎芽,或者胎芽停止发育,则胎死的机会更高。


胎儿心脏出现在胎儿芽的后面。 怀孕8周产检 ,B超报告显示“未见胎心”是啥意 一些孕妇可能会在5-6周内通过B超检查看到胎儿心脏跳动。最初,胎儿心率约为每分钟90-100次,怀孕期间胎儿心率的增加将逐渐增加。 在怀孕9周时,它将达到高海拔,大约每分钟170-180次。怀孕9周后,胎儿心率将逐渐降低,在怀孕16周内降至150次/分钟,而在怀孕16周后,胎儿心率将始终保持在110-160次/分钟的正常范围内.可以说,孕早期胎儿心率的变化很大,需要专业的设备才能发现。


总而言之,在怀孕8周时,通常会出现胎囊,卵黄囊,胎芽和胎心。 如果您可以通过B超清楚地看到,则意味着发育非常健康,而孕妇的“座位”也非常稳定。因此,我建议孕妇在怀孕8周后应去医院进行B超检查,以确保胎儿的健康发育!




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